An open mind is a good thing to have, however there are several pitfalls, and distractions that tend to close a mind quickly. One of these distractions is the impulse to quickly critisize others and what they think, feel, like or any other aspect of them.
This tendency will quickly change an open mind into a hipocrit. The open mind is fueled by the ability to accept others as they are and to aknowledge that the only person one can change is themselves. To accept is to open your mind to understand anothers point of veiw. This by no means dictates that an open mind has to like everyones ideas and ideals but to understand and let others be how they are not trying to change them to suit ones own belief.
Another downfall to an open mind is the nature of humans to make things black and white. There is more than one wrong way and in contrast there are also many ways that are right. To set a mind that there is only one right and one wrong way for any given circumstance is to close ones mind.
I travel my path and welcome company even for short periods of time but through my journey I fight and struggle to keep my mind open and I am willing to accept anyone els'e ways. I may disagree or maybe agree but welcome the company as I travel through life.