Saturday, September 26, 2009


Pagan TempleImage by nico t via Flickr

In the pagan community everyone uses their own definition of the word ‘pagan’ which in most cases is fine, the disturbing part of this is along with the definition most people bring along their own mold. A lot of people have told me and others on pagan communities that we were not pagan because we didn’t fit into their mold of what makes a pagan ‘pagan.’

This attitude is one of the attitudes that many pagans tend to proclaim to dislike in Christianity. The idea that if you don’t fit in the definition of a Christian you aren’t a good person. Christians have persecuted millions under this belief, yet many carry it over into a pagan religion and expect everyone to conform. The idea can be amusing at times, especially when you realize that pagan is a word that has no definite meaning. Unlike Christianity, Muslim, or even Judaism there is no concise requirements to be pagan other than being a follower of a non-mainstream religion.

The disturbing part of the fact is that in general most pagans profess to have an open mind. Then to turn around and display such a closed minded attitude when what they should be able to do is understand another’s definition and accept it, acceptance is not a concession that you believe it just the willingness to live with the fact that someone else’s definition is different.

While I am on the subject of things that are disturbing about pagans, the other sore point to me is that they hang on to Christian morals and ideals. As life is complicated there is more than one way to coexist with your fellow man, so why is it that the pagan community seems to hang onto Christian values if the follow another path?

Just a few thoughts to consider.
