Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unannounced, todays response to the minute writer.


If someone knocked on your door unannounced right now, who would you want it to be? Who would you not want it to be?

Unannounced visitors are always welcome around my house.  There is no one that I know that I would not like to show up at my door nor is there anyone in particular that I would hope would show up.  Although, if I was going to choose I would say that I would love to see publishers clearing house show up at my door.  That would definitely make my day.

The people I don’t want showing up at my door , that would be any number of those church goers that take it upon themselves to save the whole world whether it needs saved or not.  Always wonder how they manage to stay an organized religion, they keep losing Jesus, because the first question they usually ask is “Have you found Jesus?”

No one ever told me I was supposed to look, besides my life’s better without him.  That is for another blog though.  Those people would be my choices for who I would prefer to show up unannounced and who I wouldn’t want to show up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Popularity minutewriter response

Popular:  Were you popular as a Kid?  Are you now?  Popularity is a funny thing, was I popular, well if being popular is everyone knowing who you are and not being able to say they don’t like you. If that’s the case yeah, I was popular, people have never disliked being with me and most people who have met me even remember who I am.

However, in my case it didn’t matter, one of my friends in high school was the captain of the football team; most of the girls in my class liked me.  Sounds like I was popular, but I would be able to point out that that would be wrong, yes I was friends with the football team, most of my class liked me, and I had seen more than half the girls in my class naked.  Then again I was the guy who it was fun to be friends with, even the girls treated me like their best friend, and that is all I ever really was to most of them.  I only seen two f the handful of girls I dated naked and even that didn’t go too far.

Most the time my friends were there because I was safe.  They convince their parents they was with me and their parents would be lenient because if they was with me it couldn’t be anything bad and then they would go off and do what they wanted too, sometimes I got to hang around others I was dropped off for.

In the end I was a popular alibi.  As for now, I am popular enough I guess, people I work with know me some like me, some dislike me but overall the popularity contest generally stops at adulthood in most of the worlds social circles, and I am not part of the few in which popularity matters.  Personally I don’t care to be in those circles either.  I am proud of who I am and will be myself always and as for what others think about me, I don’t give a damn, it doesn’t make a difference one way or the other.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Believe a minutewriter response

Writing Prompt: Believe

Write about a situation that made you think, "I can't believe I just did that."

That would be about half the things I have done in my life. In my younger years I did it even more, after all what sane person get bored of parachuting out of an airplane multiple times so decides to make it interesting on a dare and tosses the parachute out before jumping. Dumb, probably but it was a rush, obviously I survived. That one happened back when I first went in the army. After basic and AIT I entered into airborne training. To earn your wings and to advance you have to make so many jumps. Well all day Saturdays and Sundays Airplanes would take us up to get the practice.

One day while getting our jumps in I mentioned how boring it was getting. One of the guys said well why don't you toss your chute out and try to get it , put it on and open it before you splatter all over the ground. The Jumpmaster on that flight was one whom had become our friend and he bet me $500 that I wouldn't do it. I took the bet and did it, man what a rush.

As our batallion comander was chewing us out and taking corrective action I had finally stopped long enough to realize how stupid it was and stopped to think I can't believe I did it, but the following 30 days in the stockade was definitely worth it.

My history is littered with instances like that and it has made for an interesting life.