Prologue: The Dark Knight is not one of evil and is such because his cause is not that of good or evil but is one of balance in that not all things are so divided into good and evil, black and white, or right and wrong. The other point of note is everything from the knight to his fortress is all a metaphor. In truth the torch is a lost love that still resides with him.
The Dark Days
We join the dark knight as he stands on the tower of his fortress looking out over the darkness. As he watches the moonlight kisses his battle worn armor and all is quiet. As the boredom of a dead night washes over him he remembers it wasn’t long ago that he had one that was his light. The torch of her love kept his eyes keen and his heart pure. Those days are over although he never knew what put the torch out, he still wonders if it still burns and has been veiled to him for he has seen it spark and flare time to time just enough to give him hope. With the evils that has washed over his land that he has only been able to fight to a draw, he has been left to wonder if maybe all that he has known has been corrupted by the plague of his land. He fights long and hard yet the plague remains, for a while he has held up in his fortress to rest and heal before the next battle, but with the quiet nights comes the doubt that he has nothing left to fight for. His torch has gone out, his squire has abandoned him and those who seek refuge in his fortress are those whom are too injured or too weary to travel on.
His life has been devoted to offering shelter and protection for any that would seek it, his heart and land had been a bountiful land that produced more than was needed most of the time. In time of hardship and despair his fortress had been a point of hope. Now the dark knight is alone and scavenging to provide for those who cannot leave. His evil ravaged fortress trembles in effort, trying to remain intact and not fall to rubble. His persistence is all that give the mighty walls the strength not to fall, and keeps the vile beasts at a distance, although f the beast caught the scent of his doubt they would be upon the fortress walls and all would be lost.
Yet he endures……
And move forward.