Life is not nearly as hard as people would make it seem. There are several truths that society may say are wrong but they still hold true, and if you follow them life can be fun, joyful and fulfilling.
These are truths that can hold for anyone who cares to follow them. They can be found at;
These truths can get you through life and will guide you on a personal journey and unlike society will let you be who you are meant to be and not like society would have you be. Society has a means of creating categories for all people to fall into. It then tries to force people to conform to the category standards. The way society standards go, people are to act identical to everyone else in the category.
Note: The term category is being used in place of race, religion, financial class, and educational class as well as gender. Society has created stereotypes for each of previously mentioned categories and this is the subject I am addressing.
Further more society has set out to protect the young adult by telling them sex is bad and they should not have it. This creates a contradiction that they tend to need to fight and nature wins most of the time. Their bodies tell them they want sex, their nature also tells them to pursue it and they give in to their urges. It is estimated that 85% of young adults (this refers to those 12 years of age to the age of 18 years) will have sexual encounters and over 75% of them will engage in sexual intercourse. This is evidence enough to me that the methodology of teaching them is not working. In my opinion it would work better to teach our young people what sex is and the possible consequences and the pleasures of it, coaching them in how to determine if they are ready for it and keep an open line of communication with them on the subject. After doing so, not worry about it and support them and allow them to decide when they choose to engage in sex.
By properly teaching the young people the result would astound most adults, as a matter of fact 80% of the children that are taught about sex by their parents and they are allowed to choose when they do wait till after they are 18 years old. This brings up a flaw in the thinking of society, 65% of parents believe it is the school’s job to educate children about sex. The responsibility is the parents, the schools teach the biology of it, however most experienced adults can tell you there is more to sex then “the biological function of it and don’t do it”, which is what schools teach.
The age of consent is another form of society trying to control the people. Young adults of the age 14 or older are capable of making decisions on their own. They may need a little coaching and information although I have known 25 year olds who were the same way. The age of a person past the age of 14 years old does not dictate capability of making a decision.
The best means to start a journey through life is to determine your own truths and beliefs and let society do as it wills and enjoy your own life as yourself not as a product of society.
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