As the world strives to keep up with rising costs, and the troubles of living life people often overlook the natural population control that nature has built into all living creatures. As society strives to control the people it creates laws and rules that complicate and separates people.
However most of society’s rules are bogus and used to classify people. Nature has set up the guidelines for social living even before humans existed. Nature’s laws although harsh allow for living in social setting and allowed for a population control that man has almost defeated the purpose of.
Society tries to dictate how we dress, how we live and where we fit into the world. Free expression is only an illusion as we are taught from a young age how to be. We are taught to be ashamed of our own skin and to cover it up. We are taught to ignore our instincts and that they are vulgar. The act of procreation is considered to be a taboo topic. Society also teaches us to see the differences and to acknowledge them. Society has taught us to judge people instead of accepting them.
These and many of the rules and laws society set forth are the attitudes that I reject. People should be free to act as they would like to. The saying that you’re free to do as you please until it interferes with another persons freedoms is mostly true, even in that there is a flaw for society has also taught us to be literal, because most people look at their freedom as if they don’t want to look at certain things than those things should be destroyed or outlawed. When the truth of the matter comes down to if you don’t want to see something don’t look. This goes for porn magazines and movies, to the old sagging woman who likes to sunbathe nude. These things do not interfere with anyone’s freedoms they just may not appeal to everyone.
Nature’s law of only the strongest survive is another point where society has done wrong. Society in it’s strive to control people has gone beyond itself to preserve life and keep the weak and suffering alive. I am not saying that curing common diseases is wrong but to save a life that will only exist in torment and pain till they can’t be kept alive is ridiculous. It may sound harsh, but why save the life of a person young old or infant that will do nothing but occupy space and have no quality of life. The same society that tortures its own kind this way judges other animal’s quality of life and kills the ones found not to have a chance of a good quality life. This is hypocritical and leaves a lot to be said for intelligence.
It is sad when a baby is born with a defect or too early to live on its own or without severe repercussions later in life, just as it is sad when a young person or adult is involved in an accident that saving their life means they will be paralyzed for life and need continuous care. The point is if people would accept that they are lives not meant to be and let them pass on with dignity the worlds population would not be as over populated as it is today.
It is this population that is destroying the world. Nature had never intended the planet to support the number of people that exists on it today. Had the science and doctors accepted that some things were never meant to be and allowed nature’s population control methods to work the world would be an easier and nicer world to live in.
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