Saturday, December 26, 2009
Self-Evaluation Series pt2
Divinity is a force that encompasses the forces and that which drives the emotional and spiritual aspects of the world. Any god can be invoked for the traits that are needed. Are deities real or exist? Yes, when a set of the world’s energy and forces are worshipped that force is embodied in the name it is given. So, every deity that man has followed exists still. The purpose in the world is for spiritual growth and a means of giving spiritual guidance to fulfill the spiritual needs of humanity. Power is given to deities by the followers. For me particularly the divinity is a whole and is the guide for me through life. I choose to follow the forces of nature and in turn only care about the laws and morals taught by nature.
Gods/Goddesses: What is your relationship to the gods? How do they fit in your daily life? Which gods/goddesses do you feel closest to? furthest from? What are your thoughts on mixing pantheons? cultural/historical accuracy?
This one I’ll attack backwards, the cultural and historical accuracy of the pre-existing pagan religions is in my opinion silly to attempt to reenact. The culture of the people who followed the ancient religions contributed to them. To try to recreate them within a foreign culture is setting yourself up to fail. On the other hand mixing the pantheons is a legitimate means of building a faith on the same grounds hinted at in the previous question. Deities are created by associating forces of nature to a name or persona, therefore to honor Aries as a god of war and Thor as the thunder god is not defamation of what they stand for. This is how I justify the ability of mixing pantheons.
What gods am I close to or furthest from, hmm…let’s see, Chaos, darkness, war and fire are the forces I associate with most closely. As far as actual gods it generally depends upon the time and what I tend to be doing at any time. I invoke the god that suits what I want to do otherwise I just respect them all and walk my path happy with the existence of darkness, and chaos in nature. I am furthest from those gods that invoke the fluffy bunnies and judgmental attitudes in people.
Gods are birthed from belief; they grow and gain power through the belief in them. Each deity has a particular profile that tells what they have power over and can be invoked for that purpose. Gods of different pantheons can be followed by a person by which mixing pantheons as each god and all gods are created within a realm of power, and can be used to fulfill that realm within ones belief. Resurrecting or recreating a belief from history is a futile attempt as the cultures they come from no longer exist, they died for a reason and to reconstruct one is like attempting to revive a dead pet. Personally I follow Nature, Darkness, Fire and war this is the path I follow. I respect all gods and acknowledge their existence in fact generally call on them when needed. In daily life I acknowledge all gods with respect and honor them not to be confused with following or worshipping.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Series on self evaluation pt. 1
How do you view the world and/or life? (Good, bad, learning experience, etc.)
My personal view on the world is life is to be lived and enjoyed not squandered on working, wealth and material things. Life is too short for chasing after material things and too valuable to be spent in pursuit of wealth. The wealthy person is one who has a family and cherished ones around them. He who has the world has the problem of feeding it. He who lives in the world faces few problems that cannot be overcome.
Life is learning and learning is life, he who has quit learning has quit living. An education is an important thing although the best lessons of life are not academic and are not learned through a teacher. Life is full of stimulus and inspiration, it has a lesson that can be learned from each day all one must do is be open to it and they will learn and grow.
Life is what you make of it. A person’s life is a piece of clay that only they can mold. The claims that someone, some thing, or some experience made them be a certain way or act in a certain manner. This is not true, the only one that can change a person is them self. The life of a person is in their own hands, they choose how to act, react and interact. Anyone who says their life is out of control does not know themselves. After all we all hold the power to change but change begins with ourselves. If anything else changes it is because others like the change within us and choose to change themselves.
What do you consider the major problems of the world/community around you are?
There are a few major problems in society and the world and they are:
The government has taken it up on itself to make decisions for us.
The government and society has created ways to take responsibility for the people.
The government is busy getting into other countries business as well as its citizens business where it doesn’t belong.
Society has come to rely on the government to take responsibility for them.
Government encouraged discrimination
What solutions do you have that you feel would improve your world-view?
If the government a society would make everyone accountable. Children should be responsible for raising their children. The only place the government has a part in this function is providing an academic program. The school system should only address academic teaching and avoid all other teaching.
Disband the practice of society raised children. The parents should be held accountable to raise their children and guide them in morality, religion, and ethics. The schools have no right to be attempting to sway children away from their parents’ beliefs or ethics.
Laws concerning that which should be a personal choice should be erased from the books. Laws against abortion, euthanasia and morals should be erased. There should be laws that hold people accountable for their actions that don’t carry the consequences of society providing them a life in prisons. The ones being punished are not the criminals.
This one is simple, stop the programs or make the qualifications stricter. Move society to where being on the programs is a bad thing and encourage working towards getting off such programs in a manner that would succeed not in the manner that keeps people on such programs.
Discrimination is still in full force even though it is illegal. The major contributor to this is the government. Discrimination will exist only as long as there is a separation of races, gender, religious, etc. There is only one race the human race the sooner everyone accepts this the sooner discrimination will be history.
How does governance, on both personal and societal levels, fit in with this view?
Governance needs to step out of the personal and social picture almost completely. The world’s problems in short are over governance. People thinking that there is one ideal for everyone. I agree that “what we believe to be right and true should be right and true for everyone else we are fools.” (first Knight) but those views should take a large scope that include the fact that we are all individuals and especially belief and religion will never be one size fits all. Governance should only strive to allow us to be free while providing a structure under which people can coincide, not to be a leader of moral and faith.
What do you feel your role is or that of humanity in the world?
My role in the world is to live and grow while respecting and caring for the world. There is no secret to life, one is to follow their own heart and go the direction their feet take them. Although, no matter the path humanity walks the world command the respect it deserve and the care of those who reside on it. Humanity is about individuals learning, living and coexisting with each other and their surroundings. A human has no more right to live than any other creature on the planet,
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A series on life
I follow a Blog Keresberos, and came across a blog on self-evaluation. The questions she brought up were of a complexity that each one is worth a blog. There for I am going to do a series on Life’s questions. Each blog in this series will address each question one by one. Here are the questions for you to ponder over and so you have an idea of what I am talking about in each one.
1. World Philosophy: How do you view the world and/or life? (good, bad, learning experience, etc.) What do you consider the major problems of the world/community around you are? What solutions do you have that you feel would improve your world-view? How does governance, on both personal and societal levels, fit in with this view? What do you feel your role is or that of humanity in the world?
2. Deity: What is your view on deity/divinity? Does it exist? Is it singular or divided? What is its role in the world? for you personally?
3. Gods/Goddesses: What is your relationship to the gods? How do they fit in your daily life? Which gods/goddesses do you feel closest to? furthest from? What are your thoughts on mixing pantheons? cultural/historical accuracy?
4. Your Path: How would you describe your current path? What are its goals/aims? Does your path have any inherent benefits or flaws you feel should be noted? How do these gains/losses affect you? How does its current direction compare with where you've been? What labels do you self-identify with and why? Do you have a particular self/magical name? What does it mean? Is it public or private?
5. Ethics: How do you determine "rightness" and "wrongness" in any given situation? Do you have a personal code of conduct/ethics you live by? What repercussions exist for perceived misconduct? What actions/behaviors are desirable for self-improvement? which are self-defeating? Any hard and fast “rules” you feel should never be broken? How did you determine these? Are they rigid or flexible? Under what circumstances? In what ways are you limited by this code? In what ways does it allow for freedom of expression? How do the moral/ethical codes of others affect you?
6. Other Personal Beliefs: Do you have any personal beliefs concerning life beyond this one? the nature of the spirit/soul? What is your basic view on the nature of humanity? (flawed, evolving, it's fine, etc.)
7. Traditions/Practices: What traditions do you hold? What purpose do they have for you? Do you have some traditions/practices that are no longer useful for you? What traditions/practices do you have that are new or you’d like to see continue? What are some issues you’ve had with past traditions? How did/can you deal with them?
8. Interactions: How do you deal with people who disagree with you? inaccuracies/misinformation? conflict/hostility? How do different groups of people respond to you? What are some situations that can be identified as emotional triggers? How do the behaviors/habits of other people affect you? Do you consider yourself liberal, moderate or conservative when assessing or accepting new ideas?
9. General Personality Questions: Do you feel insignificant or limited by your life situation in any way? How do your fears or those of others affect you? What would make you most happy right now? What are your views on responsibility and discipline and how do you relate them to your life? How does the past, and past hurts, figure into the present? Are you happiest when you are solitary, in a limited group, or surrounded by people and why? What is your place within the social order and how do you think you got there? How highly do you value the opinions of others?
If you feel inspired you may wish to answer them for yourself, and if you feel like sharing do so in the comment box or please leave a comment with a link to where you post it.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Chaos is a lack of order. When you open your eyes to it as an entity, you can see the truth of the nature of chaos. As an entity chaos can be a comfort, an inspiration, and a force worth following through life. As a source to draw from it removes pain, and the veil that society tries to pull over our heads. From the side of chaos The world can be seen in a perspective that sets the spirit free.
Chaos has very few rules to it and the closer to the rules you can live, the freer one can be. The rules of following Chaos;
Follow your own heart
Respect others
The only rules that are binding are those that one imposes on them.
Choose your path and be self governed
That is it; chaos is not about ordering one’s life, but more about living it. Within the folds of chaos is great power for everything else has come from chaos. Chaos is about the self and self-gratification, with awareness of those around you and their right to the same.
For those who seek power they will fail in seeking it from chaos. The power in chaos is one that grows within oneself by following chaos, as the creation of life and all other things that chaos is in there is nothing ordered about its actions. In Chaos, the power is strong but its power cannot be gained through instruction, it is individual and can depend on the purpose as to how to use the power.
Most assume that the power comes from outside of order, oddly enough, the power of chaos is within order, the amount of power, or energy a follower can get within the ordered chaos depends upon their individual self. Although all who follow chaos seek their own personal chaos but the ultimate, form of chaos is anarchy, which is chaos within order. Anarchy is a great energy that can inspire and propel those who embrace it to a level of power that few feel in their lifetime. This effect is proportional to the strength of the anarchy.
Within the personal symbols to one that follows Chaos is the one for chaos and the anarchy symbol.
The symbol for chaos is;
Anarchy symbol is;
The anarchy symbol in the middle is one of my favorites, but there are many different versions of these symbols but one of each generally falls within the symbolism used by a follower of chaos. Several followers of chaos also favor the Egyptian Ankh. The reason for this is generally the ankh holding an acceptable connection to order for the individual.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The first Werewolf
The Greek Myth of Lycaon: The Original Werewolf
November 30, 2007 by
Charlotte Kuchinsky
Read it here
Few people are aware that even the legend of the werewolf can be tracked back to ancient Greek mythology. Werewolves are also often referred to as lycanthropes. Perhaps because the very first werewolf was a human by the name of Lycaon.
As the story goes, many humans believed that they owed their lives to Prometheus rather than to the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. For that reason, many refused to worship them according to Zeus's rules.
A few chose to do more than refuse to worship the gods, however. They went so far as to challenge them out right. The worst of the bunch was a man named Lycaon. He constantly spoke out against the Olympians, cursing their names and uttering blasphemies.
Zeus grew tired of Lycaon's attitude and decided to teach him a lesson. He took mortal form and went into Lycaon's village, sharing his identity with many of the humans that he met along the way. Most humans, once they knew who he really was, began to worship the king of the gods according to his will.
Of course Lycaon was not about to do that. Still, he gave the appearance that he was going to listen to what Zeus had to say. He invited him to dinner to discuss what he needed to do in order to gain favor with the gods.
However, Lycaon never intended to keep his end of the bargain. Quite the opposite, in fact, he intended to commit the most grievous act of desecration of which he could conceive.
In his dungeon, Lycaon had many prisoners because he was a wealthy man who could get away with almost any act imaginable. His prisoners were all people that he had decided had dishonored him in some way or who had dared to try to take a morsel of bread from his table.
He took one of his prisoners and slit his throat. He then dismembered the poor soul, to use his body as meat for the stew that he planned to serve for dinner.
Once the meal was prepared and set on the table, Lycaon invited Zeus and his entourage into the dining area. But Zeus immediately smelled the meat and knew what Lycaon had done. Using his thunderbolts, he struck the table, sending the food flying and finally capturing the attention of his so-called host.
Suddenly Lycaon realized he had made a grave error and he began running for his life, with Zeus in hot pursuit. But as he ran, he realized that something was happening to him. His cries became snarls and growls. His body dropped to all fours and began to alter painfully. His nose became a snout and his ears became pointed. Hair sprung up all over his body and his teetch became sharp and pointed.
Zeus laughed, thinking that he had taught the human a valuable lesson; but the joke was on him. Lycaon discovered that he liked his new condition because it allowed him to continue his bloodthirsty ways. He
killed sheep, goats, and humans with reckless abandon until the villagers grew tired of his reign of terror and dispatched him to Tatarus.
Over the years, the concept behind the lycanthrope changed to that of someone who was human during the day and a wolf only at night, when the moon was full. How and why that change came about remains a mystery, although there are a number of theories espoused.
The first lycanthrope, it would seem, may have come to be because of his disrespect of the Greek gods. He wasn't the first to dishonor them and would not be the last. He may, however, have the been the one to pay the heaviest price of all.
To others it is a day of scarey creatures and things that go bump in the night,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Global Warming
Global warming is a worldwide problem and I believe it is definitely a problem that everyone should get involved in solving, However human are not completely responsible for it, although we have definitely helped it along. I believe the world goes through cycles of weather changes that go from Ice age to total global melt down. Over the course of millions of years, the world goes through its cycles.
These cycles are nature’s ways of healing and refreshing life. The world has already passed through at least two cycles of this before humans came along and the world will continue to after we are gone. This being said, I am not denying the human factor in the global warming. Humans have probably sped up nature’s cycle with their misuse of resources and their refusal to move beyond out dated fossil fuel machines. The technology put into the gas driven engine is out dated and has been since the 50’s in comparison with the rest of mans technological world.
Now the time has come for man to stand up and face the consequences for what he has done and do his best to help fix the damage caused by our over indulgence of the fascination with technology. There are many ways to do this and the slogan go green comes to mind. Be mindful every minute of every day and think in the interest of the earth and nature before we act. Turn off unused items, don’t print up e-mails if they are not needed, walk when possible, not only will it help the planet it will also benefit you.
Most important things begin with individuals and together we can slow global warming so that nature will get back on scheduale.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Choice of Ones Path
The choice of paths a person chooses does determine their life’s course and they should choose it wisely and be aware of the consequences the path may bring. The choice of a path that is separate from mainstream religions as well as most formalized religions generally means that it will be a solo journey. This journey can be fraught with little to no understanding by others. It can be a lonely journey with a few people who are willing to listen, understand your path even be able to follow a path that parallels you own journey, yet not be able to share in your journey like one who is on the same path.
This does not have to isolate you if you don’t allow it to. In some respects stepping off the beaten path can leave you lonely and desiring a spirit to be able to share it with. However there are those who are willing to listen, understand and indulge in your path even while walking another. I guess the saying “Take it where you can get it “comes to mind.
Companions and significant people in our lives don’t necessarily need to walk the same path with us just be willing to share with us. After all it can test our beliefs and our choices when they are sharing across from a different path. These kinds of relationships also show an open acceptance that can be more valuable than being accepted merely because you walk the same path. Many paths are ones of solitude and being alone and the friends and acquaintances that can be built that bridge paths can be stronger than any built on the commonality of walking the same path. Christianity is one that teaches this lesson well. In church an d places of activities associated with the church people tend to act if as they are another’s best friend even to those they would not give the time of day to outside of the church function.
The desire to have someone to share your views and you path is only to be human but to be able to do so beyond your own path will strengthen your faith and spirit and provide for a more spiritual enriching relationship.
My thoughts and opinion think of them as you will, hopefully you think about them before rejecting or accepting them.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
In the pagan community everyone uses their own definition of the word ‘pagan’ which in most cases is fine, the disturbing part of this is along with the definition most people bring along their own mold. A lot of people have told me and others on pagan communities that we were not pagan because we didn’t fit into their mold of what makes a pagan ‘pagan.’
This attitude is one of the attitudes that many pagans tend to proclaim to dislike in Christianity. The idea that if you don’t fit in the definition of a Christian you aren’t a good person. Christians have persecuted millions under this belief, yet many carry it over into a pagan religion and expect everyone to conform. The idea can be amusing at times, especially when you realize that pagan is a word that has no definite meaning. Unlike Christianity, Muslim, or even Judaism there is no concise requirements to be pagan other than being a follower of a non-mainstream religion.
The disturbing part of the fact is that in general most pagans profess to have an open mind. Then to turn around and display such a closed minded attitude when what they should be able to do is understand another’s definition and accept it, acceptance is not a concession that you believe it just the willingness to live with the fact that someone else’s definition is different.
While I am on the subject of things that are disturbing about pagans, the other sore point to me is that they hang on to Christian morals and ideals. As life is complicated there is more than one way to coexist with your fellow man, so why is it that the pagan community seems to hang onto Christian values if the follow another path?
Just a few thoughts to consider.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
They often don't think of what it would mean to the loved one that has passed away, their thoughts turn towards what it means to do with them. The loss they feel, how much they will miss the loved one and ultimately what they have lost. When you look at it from the perpective of the loved one who has lived their life and reached an old age, they are being released from pain, lonlieness and the feeling of being out of place and a burden on those whom they love. I am not speaking of the people who have had their lives cut short by a tradgedy I am talking of those who have lived a full life and time has and continues to take its toll on their body.
My grandmother recently died, and although most of the family was surprised she had made it as long as she had (she lived six years past my grandfather's death) the reacted as if she had died unexpectedly and/ or she was stuck down midlife. My grandmother lived to be 90 years old and her last comment was she did not know why anyone would want to live to be thiat old. She was an active lady and enjoyed reading, writing and children. She had lost the ability to read or write due to failing eye sight, and becuase of the passage of time could not keep up with even the most considerate of children and knew children well enough to know it would be unfair to ask them to stop to spend time with her although several of her grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grand children had quite often stopped to visit with her. It was not as long as she would like but she also understands that a child and teens life is full of constant movement. She recently had been slowed down to a point of needing constant supervision to insure she wasn't falling and hurting herself and this was a blow she could not tolerate.
She was the one who was meant to take care of her children and there families in her mind and not the other way around yet time had degenerated her to this point. This broke her will to live and so she passed on. She had had a full life of happiness and loving. It had its ups and downs but her life had a purpose when that purpose was done and time had robbed her of the ability to perform her purpose she had no reason to live and expressed it several times in comments similar to the forementioned comment.
Yet when she passed many off her children acted as if it were a surprise. If they would step out of their own world or step outside of their selfishness they would realize that it was a release from misery for her. There were some who expresed this but still they thought they had reason to grieve. Personally I believe there is reason to celebrate for her life was a hapy life and she touched many live in a positive manner that enriched the lives of those sshe reached.
The memory of the part I know of her life is the thoughts that fill my heart and in doing so will keep her close to me as I walk the journey of life and will enrich my soul and strengthen it for its journey when my time on earth is done.
It is not the manner of our death that makes a difference.It is how we lived that will leave a mark on the world that changes it to a better place for all.
Death is only the beginning of lfe and will not only enrich the world.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Life's Lessons
This past week my grandma passed away. At the age of 90 years old it was somewhat expected. She had out lived her husband (my granddad) by 6 years. She has always has been a care taker so it has driven her crazy to have people caring for her these past two years. Her life had been that of a rancher’s wife and she was always happy with it, and had lived a full life. She had lived long enough to see both world wars and all that had come since. She lived through the Great depression and long enough to see several of her grand children grow up and have children and their children have children.
My fondest memories of her was sitting at a bar that separated the dining room from the kitchen and listening to her tell stories of life before the fifties, her childhood and things she had encountered in her life. These stories were interesting all though now all I remember of them are small tidbits here and there.
I have been reflecting on the past and the little time we had spent together and realize that she had affected my life more than I know and the time I had spent with her was all quality time. As I reflect on the time I realize through her stories she had taught me many things.
Some of the things she had taught me;
• When you have nothing you are richer because you are only who you are not a sum of material belongings or of monetary worth.
• Your soul only reflects who you are not what you own.
• Compassion and understanding is mightier than strength
• The power to change the world is within everyone and it is done not by politics but through the care you provide for your own family for it is the only thing you can leave behind to affect the world.
• It is only important how you live your life not what remains after you are dead.
• Acceptance is the key to a full life for the only thing you can change is yourself.
• To touch someone’s life one only needs to care and love, material things can not touch the heart and soul the way a few kind heartfelt words can.
These are only a few things that my grandmother has taught me and I had learned the lessons but hadn’t seen where they had come from. I realize it now and wish I could thank her for it. I had also realized she is one of a few that accepted me for who I am not what she or anyone else would have me be.
My grandmother was a teacher but I have to wonder if she knew how much she had influenced my life and who I am today. She is one of a very few who actually cared enough to touch my heart and soul and leave a mark of love and understanding upon it that will continue to influence and guide me through my journey through life.
For all of that I would thank her for she taught me more than any history book or any other book ever could.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The OS War
As the computer users of the world set back trying to move through life and use the computers for their purposes, the software industries is pumping out new operating systems claiming theirs is better and the IT world, corporate world and private users dealing with operating systems that have been moved forward to the forefront of computer operation. How is the business that the world uses the computers for suppose to get done if the people using them have to deal with the operating system?
An operating system is supposed to operate in the background and allow the user to focus on the applications and programs they use. With the battle of the operating systems the visual and interaction with operating system has increased. With increased interaction with operating systems there is less productive interaction with the computer.
The world wants to surf the net, write on their word processor, play their game, and design their web sites or a large list of other applications available. The companies that produce the operating systems should keep in mind that the sole job of an operating system is to make a computer work. Its purpose is not to interact or visually occupy the user it is to keep the applications available and usable by the user as well as to store the data provided by the user.
The users of computers need to open their eyes to the fact and start demanding that operating systems stay in the background so that the computers can be used for the purpose of running the programs that people use for their purpose.
There are reasons to interact with the operating system and many of the reasons are initiated by the user not the computer. The improvements that operating systems are undergoing that make the OS visible to the user are digression and should be avoided. With some hope I look forward to the release of Windows 7. By the articles written by those who have written unbiased reports on the OS give indications that Microsoft has done just that, moved the OS back into the background. On October 22 Microsoft will release the OS to the general public and has some promise of being an OS that can provide a modern version of a proper OS. I would recommend that it be reviewed with open minds and judge it on the performance and not bias against the company that released it.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Slow computer???!!!!
Image by Ezu via Flickr
Many people will buy a computer when theirs gets outdated. When they use this new high tech machinery they generally hook it up and start playing with the new electric toy. Most of the time they are pleased witht hte performance and speed as it moves amazingly faster than their old one.
After a few months it begins to slow down and soon reaches speeds that are slower than the old one they replaced. This happens everyday and people muse over why it happens.
The answer is rather simple.... For example the first time one uses a computer it is not laidened with slow programs, data and other temporary files. Only half of the disk space can be used before the computer begins to slow down. Another reason can be the Operating system is using the resources. An example Vista uses about half the ram just for windows. It also runs several redundit processes. This may not be noticable whilejust the factory data is on the computer however it becomes more apparent with more saved personal data as well as additional programs that users tend to add.
Although those who say I don't have vista, I run an efficient virus program and keep my temporary file deleted, outright use causes the computer to slow down. For those who can remember megnetic tapes they are a good example. The blank magnetic tape records music etc in good to excellent sound quality. If you get tired of the music etc and decide to record over it this results in a lower quality recording.
On computers especially personal computers data is saved moved defraged moved again so much that much of the sectors of the hard drive are actually being reused several time over, like the magnetic tape each subsequent recording is a lesser quality. Lesser quality on a hard drive requires more passesover the sector thus a slower retrival time. Effectively after trying all the suggested tricks and programs it is possible to find the only cure is toformat the hard drive and start with a clean slate.
On the average personal computer under average use it will need to be recovered once every year to year and 6 months.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Image by scylla & charybdis via Flickr
Throughout history man has waged war with neighboring tribes, states and countries for the sake of expansion, or to settle disputes that were unable to be settled in negotiations. Our history is riddled with war. All through history they have evolved tactically and strategically. However, my disdain of war comes from modern warfare.
In the past war has been horrific and brutal this is what brings the warring factions together to negotiate peace or the surrender of one faction. In modern war people have got civil. Rules of engagement have changed to the point that there is little to no true horrors of war to be spoken of. True people die but the world has come to want it to be civil so that those that die are soldiers. The civilian populist just goes about normal life with their only concern of the war being the sons and daughters who are soldiers. This idea sits wrong with me.
The ideas involved in modern warfare remind me of an old Star Trek show where Captain Kirk and the Enterprise encounter two warring planets that had been at war for centuries. The worlds considered themselves civilized and conducted the war cleanly. All attacks where computer generated and the casualties were lined up before an incinerator where they were expected to just step in and accept they were casualties of war. The Idea sounds ridiculous however that is the direction that modern war is headed.
War was and is meant to be wage against a whole group of people, when you wage war against governments and exclude the people it governs you are looking at waging a never ending war. There was only two reasons that the attacks on 9/11 were taken so harshly by the United States was that it was on U.S. soil and that the attack was so horrific as war is meant to be. The sheltered lives of the United States people could not comprehend or grasp the ideals of open warfare waged by Bin Ladden. It may have been via terrorist acts but it was still that of open war.
War is to be waged on the entirety of the people whom the country region etcetera that war is waged against. The only real exception is civil war and it is still waged against those who support the government. The only difference is that civil war can split communities, and even families, as the support or opposition to a single areas government is of personal opinion.
Until war returns to the state it was intended to be, the world will continue in constant turmoil trying to bring resolution to problems that true war would resolve in a short amount of time.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Image via Wikipedia
MoralityMorality is what a part of what a tradition is supposed to impart on its practitioners. Yet I have noticed that most traditions seem to copy that of Christianity. I have a problem with this, because if you can sin and ask forgiveness and it is granted for the asking what is the point of the rules to begin with.
The other problem is that if anyone is going to set up a system where any type of leader is to be followed whether it be deity or not the system should be set up so those who follow it can succeed. Every help book on being a leader for just about anything emphasizes that you “Don’t set your followers up for failure”. This is what makes being a good leader hard, not only are you out in front but you are supporting your followers and helping them succeed.
The third problem is a rule should fit all situations and have no exceptions. Thou shall not kill except in time of war or in self defense or in defense of home, possessions and loved ones kinda makes the rule a mute point.
Any system, whether following your own instincts or a higher power or the little tiki statue necklace around your neck, should be set up for balance and success of the followers not made so riddled with rules and moralities that are mute and become a waste of space.
Several of the social moralities are ones of human vanities. The world and nature and most deities could care less if a person ran around nude, after all no one comes into the world fully dressed. This is a confusion of morality and vanity. The issues of morality are forced on us by society but to become an eclectic Christian and claim to have no relationship to the tradition is self denial and untrue.
This brings me to the point of the not lying. To expect a human to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth 100% of the time is a set up for failure. After all in all truth deception is part of human nature and over the life time of any human they have told several lies. The thought may be well intended and socially humans get along better when everyone is telling the truth, however everyone has their own boundary of when it is allowable to lie. To expect anything more is to set the practitioners up for failure.
I make a challenge to all pagan and non Christian followers, list out the morals and rules of your tradition and tell what you think and is it truly obtainable.
One last thought: the theory of peace is a marvelous idea the practice of it makes us all the same.
“The day that the world is completely at peace is the day the human race no longer has individuals”. Unknown
After all conflict comes from disagreeing Peace comes with total unrestrained agreement. If we all think alike, act alike and be alike true peace can be obtained. Personally I enjoy my uniqueness and can survive and be happy even if I never see the sibilance of true peace.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Secretive or what?
Image by via Flickr
Secretive, pressure or what?I have a running record of things only working out when they are done on impulse or not shared with those around me. I can plan to take a trip and not tell anyone and it will turn out as a wonderful experience and be a lot of fun. I can plan a trip under the same circumstances and let those around me know and it will turn up a disaster, be unable to, or best of results it will be indifference.
What is it that brings this about, relationships that are thought out fail although just going with the flow seem to turn out to be long lasting. Plan on purchasing something particular when share with someone it will turn out that the money won’t be there. Don’t let anyone in on it and I am able to make it. Have a plan to spend a lump of money such as tax return with my wife and family the planned on items don’t get purchased although the things that are impulse or unmentioned get purchased.
The same happens with finances, relationships, outings, trips, vacations, days off and frankly most of life. It has been suggested that it may be pressure, yet I am constantly reminded that I am extremely good with handling pressure. Some have suggested it is just life; however life is more random and wouldn’t follow such a rigid course. Could it be that I thrive on being secretive and I for some reason cannot function without the element of mystery?
It is a very frustrating thing and even comes into play when trying to change my own behaviors. For example I was a smoker, I had quit once before without telling anyone. I had started again for; it stupidly was for social reasons. But recently I have been determined to quit each time I have given my family a heads up and have failed. If I dare say a few days ago I have started a system that seems to work for me and thus far I have been successful. Although I have done everything I can to keep it a secret that I am quitting.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Anime Life
Image by 南宮博士 via Flickr
In anime books, cartoons, and other anime media appears it presents a life story that at the end life is good again. One day a anime character can run dow a street nude and by the end of the story it is not an issue nor is she chastised for it.It is said that life does not produce storybook ending. Life may not produce storybook endings however if you take your own life into your hands and actually live it. The story book ending is that the hero through trial and determination produces a desired goal.
Life is like the stories people read and write. Fantasy is a wonderful thing, but if you find yourself wishing our life was like those in the stories maybe you should take control of your life and persiston doing what it takes to get life how you want it to be.
Anything is possible
Reality is for those who lack imagination.
Image by Funky64 ( via Flickr
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Right and Wrong
Image by via Flickr
What is right and wrong? This is something that every parent tries to teach their children and something that lawmakers struggle with as they attempt to create laws for peaceful coexistence in human society. Yet, can anyone set a absolute in what is right and wrong? The English language has exceptions to every rule for it. Many rules and laws have exceptions, so how can there be a definitive right and wrong?There truly is not right and wrong after all they are definite terms that no set rule can be set to. Right and wrong has seemed to make a difference between common and great men. Great people have followed a more open philosophy of be accountable for what you do, not spending time contemplating whether what needs to be done is right or not. Right and wrong is a childish concept and may be a good guide for children but once you pass the age of childhood it creates a barrier that causes lack of decision, mistakes and other problems to deal with not to mention the loss of sleep that people have wondering if their decisions are right or wrong.
The creating a definite right or wrong also causes two other things to happen. One, it will cause one’s mind to close off to the world. The second is it causes people to become judgmental, because of putting a definite meaning for right and wrong people have a tendency to project their thoughts and ideal onto other people around them.
So how does being accountable work, it is simple, society tends to lock up those who break the law. You break the law and you’ll do the time. It is that simple, everything has its cost if the action that exacts an acceptable price the action is acceptable.
Living by the philosophy that everything has a price opens the door to many paths and make more possible. The only implication that it inflicts on any decision is are you willing to pay the price for the desired action or decision, if the answer is yes it is the correct thing to do. No stress, no lost sleep and no judgments needed.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Right Stuff
I have heard people claim to be par of a religion and not even know the name of the gods or godesses yet claim to be strict followers. To me this equates to saying you are christian, yet not know the name of christ, what the trinity is, or who the virgin Mary is.
Why is it so difficult to admit what one believes may follow a particular religion but they are not part of the religion.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Witch Craft
Worse yet most who claim to be interested are willing to let the major contents of the craft vanish and accept only that which is spewed by a religion that is less than a century old or passed by its want to be practitioners.
For those of us with an interest in the true craft it seems we are stuck with a few tid bits of truth and the task of recreating the craft to its true form.
This is a taunting task at best yet in the attempt to do so, those who practice their clerical magic seem to shun tease and make a living hell for us instead of opening their minds and admitting that there is more and attempting to help. This leads me to believe the fear what the true craft is capable of and want to convince everyone that their form is all there is and only a fool would contradict them.
As I see it they only harm themselves in doing so for it is the fool who accepts what is fed to him not the ones who question and open their minds to other possibilities.