This is the continuation of the self-evaluation series from an article on Kerosberos. This will be answering questions two and three. What is your view on deity/divinity? Does it exist? Is it singular or divided? What is its role in the world? for you personally?
Divinity is a force that encompasses the forces and that which drives the emotional and spiritual aspects of the world. Any god can be invoked for the traits that are needed. Are deities real or exist? Yes, when a set of the world’s energy and forces are worshipped that force is embodied in the name it is given. So, every deity that man has followed exists still. The purpose in the world is for spiritual growth and a means of giving spiritual guidance to fulfill the spiritual needs of humanity. Power is given to deities by the followers. For me particularly the divinity is a whole and is the guide for me through life. I choose to follow the forces of nature and in turn only care about the laws and morals taught by nature.
Gods/Goddesses: What is your relationship to the gods? How do they fit in your daily life? Which gods/goddesses do you feel closest to? furthest from? What are your thoughts on mixing pantheons? cultural/historical accuracy?
This one I’ll attack backwards, the cultural and historical accuracy of the pre-existing pagan religions is in my opinion silly to attempt to reenact. The culture of the people who followed the ancient religions contributed to them. To try to recreate them within a foreign culture is setting yourself up to fail. On the other hand mixing the pantheons is a legitimate means of building a faith on the same grounds hinted at in the previous question. Deities are created by associating forces of nature to a name or persona, therefore to honor Aries as a god of war and Thor as the thunder god is not defamation of what they stand for. This is how I justify the ability of mixing pantheons.
What gods am I close to or furthest from, hmm…let’s see, Chaos, darkness, war and fire are the forces I associate with most closely. As far as actual gods it generally depends upon the time and what I tend to be doing at any time. I invoke the god that suits what I want to do otherwise I just respect them all and walk my path happy with the existence of darkness, and chaos in nature. I am furthest from those gods that invoke the fluffy bunnies and judgmental attitudes in people.
Gods are birthed from belief; they grow and gain power through the belief in them. Each deity has a particular profile that tells what they have power over and can be invoked for that purpose. Gods of different pantheons can be followed by a person by which mixing pantheons as each god and all gods are created within a realm of power, and can be used to fulfill that realm within ones belief. Resurrecting or recreating a belief from history is a futile attempt as the cultures they come from no longer exist, they died for a reason and to reconstruct one is like attempting to revive a dead pet. Personally I follow Nature, Darkness, Fire and war this is the path I follow. I respect all gods and acknowledge their existence in fact generally call on them when needed. In daily life I acknowledge all gods with respect and honor them not to be confused with following or worshipping.
Interesting perspective. Nicely put.