The article posed these questions for self-evaluation starting with the category of World Philosophy:
How do you view the world and/or life? (Good, bad, learning experience, etc.)
My personal view on the world is life is to be lived and enjoyed not squandered on working, wealth and material things. Life is too short for chasing after material things and too valuable to be spent in pursuit of wealth. The wealthy person is one who has a family and cherished ones around them. He who has the world has the problem of feeding it. He who lives in the world faces few problems that cannot be overcome.
Life is learning and learning is life, he who has quit learning has quit living. An education is an important thing although the best lessons of life are not academic and are not learned through a teacher. Life is full of stimulus and inspiration, it has a lesson that can be learned from each day all one must do is be open to it and they will learn and grow.
Life is what you make of it. A person’s life is a piece of clay that only they can mold. The claims that someone, some thing, or some experience made them be a certain way or act in a certain manner. This is not true, the only one that can change a person is them self. The life of a person is in their own hands, they choose how to act, react and interact. Anyone who says their life is out of control does not know themselves. After all we all hold the power to change but change begins with ourselves. If anything else changes it is because others like the change within us and choose to change themselves.
What do you consider the major problems of the world/community around you are?
There are a few major problems in society and the world and they are:
The government has taken it up on itself to make decisions for us.
The government and society has created ways to take responsibility for the people.
The government is busy getting into other countries business as well as its citizens business where it doesn’t belong.
Society has come to rely on the government to take responsibility for them.
Government encouraged discrimination
What solutions do you have that you feel would improve your world-view?
If the government a society would make everyone accountable. Children should be responsible for raising their children. The only place the government has a part in this function is providing an academic program. The school system should only address academic teaching and avoid all other teaching.
Disband the practice of society raised children. The parents should be held accountable to raise their children and guide them in morality, religion, and ethics. The schools have no right to be attempting to sway children away from their parents’ beliefs or ethics.
Laws concerning that which should be a personal choice should be erased from the books. Laws against abortion, euthanasia and morals should be erased. There should be laws that hold people accountable for their actions that don’t carry the consequences of society providing them a life in prisons. The ones being punished are not the criminals.
This one is simple, stop the programs or make the qualifications stricter. Move society to where being on the programs is a bad thing and encourage working towards getting off such programs in a manner that would succeed not in the manner that keeps people on such programs.
Discrimination is still in full force even though it is illegal. The major contributor to this is the government. Discrimination will exist only as long as there is a separation of races, gender, religious, etc. There is only one race the human race the sooner everyone accepts this the sooner discrimination will be history.
How does governance, on both personal and societal levels, fit in with this view?
Governance needs to step out of the personal and social picture almost completely. The world’s problems in short are over governance. People thinking that there is one ideal for everyone. I agree that “what we believe to be right and true should be right and true for everyone else we are fools.” (first Knight) but those views should take a large scope that include the fact that we are all individuals and especially belief and religion will never be one size fits all. Governance should only strive to allow us to be free while providing a structure under which people can coincide, not to be a leader of moral and faith.
What do you feel your role is or that of humanity in the world?
My role in the world is to live and grow while respecting and caring for the world. There is no secret to life, one is to follow their own heart and go the direction their feet take them. Although, no matter the path humanity walks the world command the respect it deserve and the care of those who reside on it. Humanity is about individuals learning, living and coexisting with each other and their surroundings. A human has no more right to live than any other creature on the planet,
There is certainly a lot to think about there. The feudal systems of the past were supposed to have ended, for the most part, a few centuries ago but it seems to me those systems are alive and well. There is little difference between "election" and "entitlement" when it comes to the few trying to control the many. Obviously I'm not a big fan of government either.