Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Secret of Hacking

The Secret of Hacking


The secret of hacking revolves around a few simple steps. Although it may be simple to do the effort seems to be a waste of effort. The same profile of a good hacker is also the same of an IT tech and is very close to that of computer administrators, computer programmers, and most other computer professions. To embark on an illegal venture that is less prosperous than the honest application of a respected profession is beyond the scope of understanding. For those who didn't understand the previous statement:

Disclaimer Warning

Hacking is illegal, this blog in no way endorses the act of hacking. Furthermore advises that the act of hacking has serious implications on people’s lives, both of the hacker and those who the hackers actions affect. Even the simplest and most innocent hacks get the hacker 20 to 30 year sentences. On top of that the federal offense is a scar on the record of the perpetrator that prevents them from using their computer knowledge in the work sector.

The secret to being a good hacker is to know computers. There is a mechanical logic to computers that is easy to learn. Once that basic interest is the steps are simple.

• Step one choose your arsenal well. There is a necessity to be armed with knowledge of programming languages, web scripts and computer scripts. Also, one must have good research skills and a creative mind. As a hacker technology is both an ally and an enemy. The type of techno gizmos you arm yourself with are the insurance against detection. On the flip side computer security professionals are using technology to detect, trace and prosecute the hackers.

• Step 2 Armed with a arsenal of hacker tech, there is a purpose behind every hack, whether it be an innocent thrill of being somewhere that they weren't allowed, or to the more sinister of fraud or espionage. There needs to be a purpose or objective.

• Step 3. Know the system to be attacked. The knowledge of the system is an involved task, as information about the system users, the operating system and its issues, the developers of the system, the location of the system, and the location of the target within the system.

• Step four. Develop a plan of attack. Purpose multiple methods of the attack. While planning is sure to take into account everything knows about the system and the people involved with the system. Then there are other considerations to make are the ability to be detected by the system, traceability and how to address retrieving or accomplishing the goal.

• Step five. Develop the combination of software and hardware needed to complete the objective. People often think that a blanket program works for hacking. It may be true if you’re a second grade hacker that chooses to hack personal pc's then it is true that a blanket program par operating system. However the good hackers go after either more profitable systems or challenging system depending on the motivation.

On average a hacker writes a hundred programs a year keeping up with advances and new systems. Ya figure each program takes a month development in the professional world the hacker would be paid $30/hr and spend 240 hours in the month on the program that figures to be $7200 per program the hacker could earn professionally from one program multiply it by a hundred and its $720,000 a year.

The pursuit of being a hacker is a pretty pointless although the experience can help you in the professional world, so how do you pull it off?

A question that would be nice to get answered. A sort of hobby without actual follow through is the best I have come up with. Especially with the response the government has had with the pursuit of prosecuting hackers and the severity of the punishment of the crime.