Thursday, April 28, 2011

Integrity, Lies and Scams

People these days seem to be lacking in integrity and honor all the way around.  With the e-generation the world has become a place of instant gratification with everything a person wants at their fingertips.  With this comes a whole new forms of scams and cons as everyone is aware by now the scare ware viruses and outright cons that are delivered through downloads and e=mail. 

It is within the human nature and is not that big of a surprise that they show up, the startling thing is how people have developed their own scam or con into their personal life.  In this age many people look to expand their search for a significant other via the internet due to like of time to socialize lack of a good base of stock to choose from or in some cases even out of shear laziness.  The first reason being the most common, but the reason doesn’t matter as with the economic pressures and the modernization of the post high school education system it has come extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain a social life outside of work, and religious function. 

This fact has brought about an occurrence that many couples meet online or by an online social setting.  Yet these people wanting to meet others will purposely mislead the person or people they meet this way.  It is odd to watch as you watch how a fictitious persona is created as the stress of face to face is removed and the possibility to be anyone they care to be.

If one is serious why so many fib/lie about themselves to score or get a relationship started.  If one is serious about having a long term relationship why does

26 year old female in SD wanting long a long term relationship

Turn out to be

18 year old female looking for a boyfriend likes older men and obviously doesn’t think they’ll take her seriously.

I have seen this one too many times as I can understand it to get the connection but most will carry on the hoax even after they start talking to the hopeful partner.  They act as if the lie won’t be found out, but it is apparent that it will as soon as they meet.

Worse yet is to think that this ploy must work or it wouldn’t be that popular.  Age may not matter to this point but the honesty and openness does, well apparently not to the ones who normally use this method to find their significant other.

Call me old fashioned but I believe a relationship should be built on truth honesty openness and trust.  Trust is hard to gain when built on lies it does unravel rather quickly.  I know there are great relationships out there and that there are honest people out there but it is difficult to see through the lies of others,  I guess I have had the misfortune of running into the liars and hope to break that cycle because a lie in the beginning when it pertains to who the other is signifies the end of the relationship before we even get a chance to see where it may go.  On even a darker side the younger set that say they would be interested in me would find I have no problem with age as long as they can legally consent.  That’s cause I like my freedom.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Green Washed

Green washing is a term that is used for a campaign to make consumers believe that a company and/or its products are enviormentaly friendly. It is also used to discribe the push to use certain products and or techniques to create a sense of security in the people that they are making their lives enviormentally friendly.

There for being green washed is a term describing people who have been fooled by these ad campaigns.  One of my favorites is the people who put everything that can be recycled including all types of plastic, cardboard and metals into there recycling bin expecting that the local sanitation department seperates them out and recycles 100% of all items put into them.  In truth most sanitation departments only recycle bottles, glass jars and bottles, corigated cardboard, tin cans and aluminum.  All other plastic and cardboards are tossed into the landfill.

Many of the suggestions for living green include build houses with hardwood floors (they last longer and don't hardly need replaced, use press wood  boards, or wall materials made out of pressed cardboard.  These ideas seem logical as hardwood does last pretty much the whole life of the house, but consider the fact that most hardwood trees take a hundred years to mature to harvest age it doesn't seem so green.  pressed board seeming logical as it is made from sawdust and glue, and is the use of a by product of sawmills.  Consider the fact that the sawdust is coming from new wood products created from cutting the raw tree into lumber not recycled wood or discarded wood.
Well there is no argument against the pressed cardboard walling material right?  Wrong, on the average the pressed cardboard wall material only contains 20% recycled cardboard the other 80% is newly manufactured cardboard.

It is difficult to be green when the government allows companies to advertise their products as made of recycled material as long as it contains 20% of recycled materials. So, in truth only products that boldly state that they are made of 100% recycled material are truely green. 

In reguards to household chemical products they can be advertised as enviormentally safe if they have no imediate eviorment impact.  There are products that are advertised as enviormentally safe that if they get into a water supply are poisonous.
Am I greenwashed? probably to some extent just becuase haven't discovered the flaw in logic to a green product I use.