Thursday, July 28, 2011



The question being does someone have too high of an expectation for you and do you think you have too high of an expectation for someone else?

Over all in some respect or other people tend to hold an expectation for others that are beyond reason or that is too high for the person in question and in turn hold too high of an expectation for others.  The down side is it is often that it is for the ones closest to us that we tend to hold too high of an expectation for.

That being said, I do probably hold too high of an expectation for someone, I try not to and try not to set anyone up to fail.  Being human does include holding an ideal for those close to you and expecting to get as close to that as is humanly possible.  Those ideals often exceed what is possible so if you’re willing to be flexible it is not necessarily a bad thing.  I do not hold anything absolute, I am usually willing to compromise.

As for others holding too high of expectations from me yes there are a few but it is worth working and compromising with them to come to a happy middle ground and many would consider me blessed as I have been able to compromise with me to a happy median and those who couldn’t well just to say they are ones who don’t matter to me.

Expectations are a manner in which we build relationships and define each person’s part in the relationship.  In a relationship each  person plays a part and living up to the expectations is what defines the relationship.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dark Days

Prologue: The Dark Knight is not one of evil and is such because his cause is not that of good or evil but is one of balance in that not all things are so divided into good and evil, black and white, or right and wrong.  The other point of note is everything from the knight to his fortress is all a metaphor.  In truth the torch is a lost love that still resides with him.
The Dark Days
We join the dark knight as he stands on the tower of his fortress looking out over the darkness.  As he watches the moonlight kisses his battle worn armor and all is quiet.  As the boredom of a dead night washes over him he remembers it wasn’t long ago that he had one that was his light.  The torch of her love kept his eyes keen and his heart pure.  Those days are over although he never knew what put the torch out, he still wonders if it still burns and has been veiled to him for he has seen it spark and flare time to time just enough to give him hope.  With the evils that has washed over his land that he has only been able to fight to a draw, he has been left to wonder if maybe all that he has known has been corrupted by the plague of his land.  He fights long and hard yet the plague remains, for a while he has held up in his fortress to rest and heal before the next battle, but with the quiet nights comes the doubt that he has nothing left to fight for.  His torch has gone out, his squire has abandoned him and those who seek refuge in his fortress are those whom are too injured or too weary to travel on.

His life has been devoted to offering shelter and protection for any that would seek it, his heart and land had been a bountiful land that produced more than was needed most of the time. In time of hardship and despair his fortress had been a point of hope.  Now the dark knight is alone and scavenging to provide for those who cannot leave.  His evil ravaged fortress trembles in effort, trying to remain intact and not fall to rubble.  His persistence is all that give the mighty walls the strength not to fall, and keeps the vile beasts at a distance, although f the beast caught the scent of his doubt they would be upon the fortress walls and all would be lost.
Yet he endures……
                     And move forward.

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Summer Day

Describe the perfect summer day. What would you do on that day?
The perfect summer day would be where I have a day free, sunny, around 90 degrees and a full tank of gas.  Ideally I would have ammunition for my rifles and a full tank of gas.  I would go out to the local shooting range in the morning shoot off a couple of hundred rounds, then I would continue up the road to Sheridan lake and have a picnic lunch and enjoy the rest of the day at the lake. 
If I had more than one day I would go camping as well.  I love nature and being outdoors. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Half-full or Half-empty?

Half-empty or half full…..for me t is neither it is just half of whatever the container is.  Example a cup filled half way with a substance is a half of a cup.  Things just are, to be overly positive, or overly negative is only setting one up for disappointment.
Negative or being pessimistic wears on the self-esteem and confidence, and optimism leads to arrogance, disappointment and exaggeration, all qualities that turn good people into assholes.
A good outlook on life doesn’t need pessimism or optimism you accept that life has good of both good and bad and do your best to reach for the good than life can be fulfilled. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

the ends justify the means

Today’s prompt was when do the ends justify the means?   That is a question that is a bit hard to answer, because I am one who decides things by actions and consequences.  They are similar but not the same.  Although can say that the ends justifies the means as long a person is willing to accept the consequences.
A good example of this is if someone angers another, if the other is willing to accept the consequence of being charged with assault then beating the crap out of the one that angered them is justified by the willingness to accept the consequences of using that means to shut the other person up.  However, my freedom means a lot to me so any action that would get me in trouble with the law isn’t an option.
If one doesn’t care about a person, to use them to get what they want is justifiable cause if the person lets them they decided to allow it. Neither party is harmed by it.  Chances are if the person doesn’t like the idea of being used for the others gain than that person probably won’t associate with the other and both will be no worse for wear.
When I do things especially with other people I weigh the actions against the possible consequences.  This leaves it so that in everything I do the ends always justifies the means because I won’t take the option if I am not willing to accept the consequences. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Is A Slave?

The prompt today was a little silly for me so today I am going to write about something that is on my mind instead.
What is a slave?   I am into the BDSM lifestyle, and am a dominant.  Personally I would like the gift of a slave.  Yet there are many that a slave is someone dumb enough to want to be told everything they are to do and let the person they choose to do whatever they want with.  It isn’t as simple as that.  There are people who need a structured life and cannot structure it for themselves.  On their own they tend to set up a life set by books, other people or just necessity. 
Their desires are to have a significant person in their life that does this for them.  A system that is much more caring and flexible than any that they can create.  Along with this, they tend to be a follower.  They will go along with reasonable instruction or join in what others are doing but seldom initiate anything on their own.
Such a person is submissive and does not suggest they are a slave.  Slaves maybe submissive but they are also so much more.  One defining fact is that they can totally give full control of themselves and who they are over to a significant person whom they trust.  Other traits are find comfort in bonds, being told what to do and want to be told how they are to act, along with an almost selfless desire to please their significant other.  They are accepting of instruction and are not afraid of pain. 
This is only a quick rundown of a slave, and there is more I am attempting to get the full traits and qualities of a slave, although I know that to have a slave give herself to me is one of the greatest gifts and would be treated so and is what I desire to have.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mrs. Right (Reply to todays post on Minutewriter)

How do you know when someone is right for you?
Right, wrong or indifferent…hmm…  Personally it isn’t a matter of right or wrong for a person, I don’t believe in the there is only one right person or only a handful of people that are right for you.  It basically comes down to who I choose to be with.  I figure if I get along with someone, I just hang on for the ride see where it takes me.
I pay attention to the path I am on whether it is with someone or alone, if I don’t like it or it is leading somewhere I don’t want to go I change it.  The right person to be with is the one I am getting along with right now and intimacy comes it comes and its right, if it doesn’t well don’t push the issue.
So, with that said, the right person is the one or ones that I trust, and hold values I can relate with for as long as it last.  Did I mention I am polyamourous, and don’t agree with societies ideals of marriage.
There are many people who come in and out of a person’s life,  to limit oneself to experience an intimate relationship with just one of the 1000s seems a bit naïve, and in the end leads to heartbreak till you find the one person that you can keep a relationship with for the rest of your life, and it still won’t be everything you want.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unannounced, todays response to the minute writer.


If someone knocked on your door unannounced right now, who would you want it to be? Who would you not want it to be?

Unannounced visitors are always welcome around my house.  There is no one that I know that I would not like to show up at my door nor is there anyone in particular that I would hope would show up.  Although, if I was going to choose I would say that I would love to see publishers clearing house show up at my door.  That would definitely make my day.

The people I don’t want showing up at my door , that would be any number of those church goers that take it upon themselves to save the whole world whether it needs saved or not.  Always wonder how they manage to stay an organized religion, they keep losing Jesus, because the first question they usually ask is “Have you found Jesus?”

No one ever told me I was supposed to look, besides my life’s better without him.  That is for another blog though.  Those people would be my choices for who I would prefer to show up unannounced and who I wouldn’t want to show up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Popularity minutewriter response

Popular:  Were you popular as a Kid?  Are you now?  Popularity is a funny thing, was I popular, well if being popular is everyone knowing who you are and not being able to say they don’t like you. If that’s the case yeah, I was popular, people have never disliked being with me and most people who have met me even remember who I am.

However, in my case it didn’t matter, one of my friends in high school was the captain of the football team; most of the girls in my class liked me.  Sounds like I was popular, but I would be able to point out that that would be wrong, yes I was friends with the football team, most of my class liked me, and I had seen more than half the girls in my class naked.  Then again I was the guy who it was fun to be friends with, even the girls treated me like their best friend, and that is all I ever really was to most of them.  I only seen two f the handful of girls I dated naked and even that didn’t go too far.

Most the time my friends were there because I was safe.  They convince their parents they was with me and their parents would be lenient because if they was with me it couldn’t be anything bad and then they would go off and do what they wanted too, sometimes I got to hang around others I was dropped off for.

In the end I was a popular alibi.  As for now, I am popular enough I guess, people I work with know me some like me, some dislike me but overall the popularity contest generally stops at adulthood in most of the worlds social circles, and I am not part of the few in which popularity matters.  Personally I don’t care to be in those circles either.  I am proud of who I am and will be myself always and as for what others think about me, I don’t give a damn, it doesn’t make a difference one way or the other.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Believe a minutewriter response

Writing Prompt: Believe

Write about a situation that made you think, "I can't believe I just did that."

That would be about half the things I have done in my life. In my younger years I did it even more, after all what sane person get bored of parachuting out of an airplane multiple times so decides to make it interesting on a dare and tosses the parachute out before jumping. Dumb, probably but it was a rush, obviously I survived. That one happened back when I first went in the army. After basic and AIT I entered into airborne training. To earn your wings and to advance you have to make so many jumps. Well all day Saturdays and Sundays Airplanes would take us up to get the practice.

One day while getting our jumps in I mentioned how boring it was getting. One of the guys said well why don't you toss your chute out and try to get it , put it on and open it before you splatter all over the ground. The Jumpmaster on that flight was one whom had become our friend and he bet me $500 that I wouldn't do it. I took the bet and did it, man what a rush.

As our batallion comander was chewing us out and taking corrective action I had finally stopped long enough to realize how stupid it was and stopped to think I can't believe I did it, but the following 30 days in the stockade was definitely worth it.

My history is littered with instances like that and it has made for an interesting life.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

looking inward

Self Quest

I have been looking inward recently and have realized that I am probably one of the biggest nuts on the planet.  It isn’t just my beliefs but the philosophies I tend to follow and the code of honor that I tend to follow which reflects the nuttiness of my beliefs.

The code of honor, I will attend my responsibilities no matter what is going on, however there is very little of my responsibilities that tend to be directed at material things.  There is a certain reverence to life that I have and everyone will get a basic respect from me till they prove not worthy of it which there is very little actions that would bring about that to happen.  There is no age limit on the age of people to associate with.  In reality, I only watch that which can land me in jail.  Quite a little of what I believe is left to where it wouldn’t be perceived by observers where there is quite a few things that if it wouldn’t infringe on my freedom I would do. 

prison could seem like a home...   The only difference is

 In your home the locks are on the inside where you can lock them.

In prison the locks are on the outside to lock you in

I will not start a fight but I damn well will end one.  I bare no ill will to no one and will not harm anyone in any way, but given the right motivation I can coldly take the life of a person without batting an eye.  I hold a respect and caring for nature and believe in the laws of nature and hold the opinion that 90% of the laws man made are a waste of breath.  After all there are no actions that are truly bad and it is not what you do in life that determines whether you are a good person or not, but rather the reasons for those actions.

“It is not the manner of one’s death that determines their worth

It is in the manner in which they lived that they will be judged.”

The biggest mistake people make in connection with religion and beliefs is closing their mind and believing that everyone is supposed to believe as they do.  Christians I have noticed are the ones most given grief about this however I have discovered even those who follow non-Christian faiths are just as guilty of it.  I believe that everyone is following the correct faith as long as they are being true to themselves not trying to be whom others would have them be.  I can accept a Christian, an atheist and most other faiths when the person can be open and honest.  Dishonesty is the quickest way to get shut out of my life.  Don’t confuse honesty with truthfulness I accept the fact that people are prone to exaggeration, quick choices that lead to changing of minds, and feeling there is cause for lying.  Like just about everyone else I don’t like lies and tend to avoid people who are in the habit of telling lies, but an occasional lie can be forgiven depending on the reason it was told.

“Honesty and honor are two of the greatest virtues.

I will never turn my back on someone attempting to uphold these virtues.”

In all my faith is in nature and her laws, there are few but if followed create a foundation for being a good person and for governing social interaction.  This belief is what indicates that the laws of man are nothing but a waste of breath and paper.  This does bring about what seems to be a contradiction in what I believe because I also have a strong belief in Justice.  It may not be based upon fairness as life is not fair but even nature supports a strong sense of justice.

So over all I am a bit nutty

Monday, May 23, 2011

The world is full of stupid people, and t would be nice if they would wizen up to at least not prove it to the world. I have been following a few blogs and several discussion boards and it makes things really frustrating when you run across someone who will refer to "the lifestyle". This always brings about the response of which lifestyle? They don't bring it up in a fashion where the reader is able to discern what lifestyle they are talking about. So it catches the reader for a minute that is left looking over the post or discussion trying to figure out which of the 1000s of lifestyles the person is talking about.

People should get a clue there is more than one lifestyle so if they are going to reference a lifestyle they should do it by name, not to mention be aware that some categories have more than one lifestyle within them. For example a pagan lifestyle, well this can be any one of a hundred lifestyles because of the vast umbrella pagan covers. It could mean a polyamorous lifestyle, or a vegan lifestyle, or even a vegetarian lifestyle. There is no one life style and to refer to the lifestyle effectively communicates nothing therefore the writer might as well of saved their time and not written the comment. As far as vague mentions of words they don’t add any context either so might as well be omitted.

On top of that recently have been reading some blogs and discussions where the writer decides to redefine a word to suit what they want to say. This defeats the purpose of communication, which one of the principles is using words that have accepted definitions that have been standardized so that it can be universally understood. When you try to redefine a word it is made useless because it no longer conveys the same thought to all readers.

 Anyone that cares to can relate and communicate with others if they use the appropriate words to say what they want to say instead of trying to morph different or similar words into meaning what they want it to say. This creates confusion and miscommunication.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sex questions

Recently I have been given reason to question my beliefs on sex.  The basics is simple, sex is a way of interacting with fellow humans that happen to fall within the close circle of friends.  However how close does it really need to be?  What is the true necessity of sex?

The necessity of sex in my opinion is simple the need to be close to another human being.  It in no way is linked to love directly.  Sure, if you are committed to a romantic relationship, you should be able to connect with them on a sexual basis, but there is also possibility of a sexual attraction between two people and there be no basis of any other type of relationship.  This connection does not make the best combination for a family structure.

Sexual connections are not equal to love, if more people would realize this the divorce rate would drop, this would be comparable to best friends don’t make for good couplings.  Both can work in some circumstances, but usually there is more to it than just the one connection.

That part is pretty simple and straight forward.  The complicated part comes when the questions; who can you have sex with and what is cheating?

To me cheating is a term that needs to be determined by both parties in a committed relationship.  For me and my wife it is simply having another and deceiving or hiding the relationship from the other.  If we are honest and open with each other about the affair it’s not cheating.  This is the part that gets touchy; who can one have sex with?

The Answer in my opinion is anyone that one chooses.  I do mean anyone, the exceptions are short, be responsible and the person should be of a knowledgeable age past puberty.  To me this correlates to about 15   years old, however due to the law I do stay within legal age of consent, this is reality, but by belief it would ideally be 15 responsibility falls to insure that no offspring be produced until wanted and at reasonable time.

By my belief anyone over 14 years are capable of engaging in sex.  This should be done by two consensual people whom are responsible enough to ensure no children are produced until they are ready for children, nor should it hamper the life experiences and growth of the people involved.  Cheating is only possible by being dishonest towards yourself and your significant other, and sexual attraction does not equal love and in some cases can be totally separate from each other and sexual attraction is controlled more by lust not love.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Integrity, Lies and Scams

People these days seem to be lacking in integrity and honor all the way around.  With the e-generation the world has become a place of instant gratification with everything a person wants at their fingertips.  With this comes a whole new forms of scams and cons as everyone is aware by now the scare ware viruses and outright cons that are delivered through downloads and e=mail. 

It is within the human nature and is not that big of a surprise that they show up, the startling thing is how people have developed their own scam or con into their personal life.  In this age many people look to expand their search for a significant other via the internet due to like of time to socialize lack of a good base of stock to choose from or in some cases even out of shear laziness.  The first reason being the most common, but the reason doesn’t matter as with the economic pressures and the modernization of the post high school education system it has come extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain a social life outside of work, and religious function. 

This fact has brought about an occurrence that many couples meet online or by an online social setting.  Yet these people wanting to meet others will purposely mislead the person or people they meet this way.  It is odd to watch as you watch how a fictitious persona is created as the stress of face to face is removed and the possibility to be anyone they care to be.

If one is serious why so many fib/lie about themselves to score or get a relationship started.  If one is serious about having a long term relationship why does

26 year old female in SD wanting long a long term relationship

Turn out to be

18 year old female looking for a boyfriend likes older men and obviously doesn’t think they’ll take her seriously.

I have seen this one too many times as I can understand it to get the connection but most will carry on the hoax even after they start talking to the hopeful partner.  They act as if the lie won’t be found out, but it is apparent that it will as soon as they meet.

Worse yet is to think that this ploy must work or it wouldn’t be that popular.  Age may not matter to this point but the honesty and openness does, well apparently not to the ones who normally use this method to find their significant other.

Call me old fashioned but I believe a relationship should be built on truth honesty openness and trust.  Trust is hard to gain when built on lies it does unravel rather quickly.  I know there are great relationships out there and that there are honest people out there but it is difficult to see through the lies of others,  I guess I have had the misfortune of running into the liars and hope to break that cycle because a lie in the beginning when it pertains to who the other is signifies the end of the relationship before we even get a chance to see where it may go.  On even a darker side the younger set that say they would be interested in me would find I have no problem with age as long as they can legally consent.  That’s cause I like my freedom.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Green Washed

Green washing is a term that is used for a campaign to make consumers believe that a company and/or its products are enviormentaly friendly. It is also used to discribe the push to use certain products and or techniques to create a sense of security in the people that they are making their lives enviormentally friendly.

There for being green washed is a term describing people who have been fooled by these ad campaigns.  One of my favorites is the people who put everything that can be recycled including all types of plastic, cardboard and metals into there recycling bin expecting that the local sanitation department seperates them out and recycles 100% of all items put into them.  In truth most sanitation departments only recycle bottles, glass jars and bottles, corigated cardboard, tin cans and aluminum.  All other plastic and cardboards are tossed into the landfill.

Many of the suggestions for living green include build houses with hardwood floors (they last longer and don't hardly need replaced, use press wood  boards, or wall materials made out of pressed cardboard.  These ideas seem logical as hardwood does last pretty much the whole life of the house, but consider the fact that most hardwood trees take a hundred years to mature to harvest age it doesn't seem so green.  pressed board seeming logical as it is made from sawdust and glue, and is the use of a by product of sawmills.  Consider the fact that the sawdust is coming from new wood products created from cutting the raw tree into lumber not recycled wood or discarded wood.
Well there is no argument against the pressed cardboard walling material right?  Wrong, on the average the pressed cardboard wall material only contains 20% recycled cardboard the other 80% is newly manufactured cardboard.

It is difficult to be green when the government allows companies to advertise their products as made of recycled material as long as it contains 20% of recycled materials. So, in truth only products that boldly state that they are made of 100% recycled material are truely green. 

In reguards to household chemical products they can be advertised as enviormentally safe if they have no imediate eviorment impact.  There are products that are advertised as enviormentally safe that if they get into a water supply are poisonous.
Am I greenwashed? probably to some extent just becuase haven't discovered the flaw in logic to a green product I use.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

social conformity

This video has a lesson to teach and is one of the most important lessons a person can learn.  The wall represents society and the way it attempts to get every one to act the same and appear to be the same.  As differences are represented as flaws in the wall, they are kept in a uniform and consistant manner and society seems to be baffled by why anyone would want to be different.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Slave Submissive frustration

I have a desire that burns deep inside me to get a slave/submissive. I know that this type of lifestyle is outside of the norm and that the availability is not nearly as big as it would be for several other lifestyles. However I also didn't expect that it would be totally impossible, considering that there is an appeal to it to a good number of women. I quickly discovered that there are very few if any women interested in it as a lasting, on going commitment. The majority of the woman that I have saying they are interested in the lifestyle are interested in it only as a means to play or as an off and on thing but not as a commited long term relationship. Through the little I have done I have found I want it as a long term relationship as the benifits and satisfaction of it are far better. To make things worse the couple that I have found that are interested in such a relationship are 20 plus years younger than me one of which is younger than the eldest of my own children.

The age difference is not an issue to me but the fact that it could possibly turn out that I will not only be acting as a master but the possibility that I may also fill the role of parent as well. I enjoy being a parent and enjoy helping people but the possibility sounds kinda creepy that I would need to treat my slave like my children.

I have never been one to pay too close of attention to the boundries of love and all that comes with it or any other boundries for that matter. I only avoid that which endanger my freedom only becuase I enjoy the ability to act and do as I please. This seems to push it not becuase of age nor becuase of what may or may not come to be but the fact that being open as I am my children would be aware of the relationship as it is one that I won't hide it. The problem it brought to my door step though that I am going to need to either accept a much younger woman or that my desires are going to need to stay in my fantasy.

The problem with accepting that it can not be is the desire for a slave gets in the way of my interactions with my wife. Yes I am happily married but our sex life is affected by my desire for a slave and my wife and I tried to do the whole slave thing and it turned out badly as she can not be a slave in fact she is somewhat the oppisite so it don't work.


Social ethics, society tries to control itself with idiotic rules of proper behaivor , ethics and morals. Parents teach t their children that temptation is bad and if they desire it, it probably is something that they shouldn't be contemplating.

Why is it that everyone is held to one standard. Society admits everyone is an individual so if we are all unique how can we all be held to one standard of right and wrong. I agree some things like murder and theft can be universally considered bad behavior, but why should things like age differences, beliefs, number of lovers, or how we dress be of any concern to society and how does it have the insight and knowledge of each individual to judge their actions as good, bad or inappropriate?
The answer is it doesn't, the facts show the whole purpose is to control and manipulate who people are. I refuse to be manipulated so when ya see a 43 year old man walking down the street with a 22 year old think to yourself before you judge him who is free you caught up in societies web or him following his heart?

The United States is the land of the free but the only way to do that is to shed societies concept of right and wrong and moral standards and discover them for yourself. I ave very few moral guides but do have a standard of how people should be dealt with. The biggist difference in the way I deal with right and wrong is the fact that no action is right or wrong, rather it is intent that is what determines wrongness of the action. Most people would agree that the killing an armed intruder in ones house to protect ones family is right, yet society condems murder of all kind.

One of the big life changing events in my life that brought about change in my views on right and wrong was when I was in the military. People will say that no matter the job function if a soldier kills an opposing opponent that it isn't murder, however they are wrong as the english definition of murder is the illegal taking of another persons life. Believe me in foriegn countries when an opposing force kills their soliers it is considered illegal. To the United States government even with the right of being innocent until proven guilty, if a person kills another in selfdefense they are charged with proving their innocence instead of the prosecution having to prove it was murder.

These are just a few examples of ways that if the intent is taken into consideration. Another is stealing. In several places in the United States it is hard to impossible for some families to get help they really need and when they resort to stealing to provide neccesities for their family they are coldly convicted and given little to no consideration for the reason. I have known people who would never steal that were pushed up against a wall like that and they went to jail just to get it so that their family could eat one meal.

These are major examples of judging on the face of action verses intent. Society is great at being petty though and is where most of lifes temptations lie. If someone decides to indulge in chocolate well t becomes their problem, but if someone decides to engage in sex before they are married most consider this a wrong choice and that the people are not supposed to engage in sex before marriage. This one is a major problem to my belief as I don't believe in marriage as it has become nothing more than a contract made with the government and has very little to do with the relationship.

Another of societies taboos is polyamoury(having more than one lover). If the government actually went through and erased all the laws that are behavior related that aren't related to violence, theft and traffic regulations. This may seem like it may be a little excessive but the fact is the government tries to regulate how one has sex, raises there kids, whom and the number of people that people form relationships, even to the point of pressuring an unfounded sense of modesty upon the people.

I agree there are things that are necessary, but why should anyone besides the ones engaging in sex care about who the partner/s are and what position that they have intercourse in or which holes they use for intercourse. The other major stickler is there are like four ages of adulthood in most states. At the age of 16 is legal age of concent in most states,(this doesn't only pertain to sex although it is what it most often refered to for), 18 is the age of becoming a legal adult but have to wait till they turn 21 to drink and gamble. Frankly I believe that with education the law about sex and children should pertain only to non-pubecent youth, (the legal statute that is the determination of pedophilia.) Doing that would set a age of concent without discrimination or the extra laws pertaining to concent laws. Also by doing that a single age should be set for becoming a legal adult affording the adult the right to vote, gamble, serve in the military, vote and drink along with all other rights afforded an adult.

As long as temptation doesn't harm anyone and everyone involved is concenting to it there is no right or wrong. Harm in this case means physical, mental and includes loss or damage of anothers personal property.

I do tend to follow my heart and only pay enough attention to the laws and societies rules to keep myself out of jail and to be able to associate with others and be able to be taken seriously by society, yes even as open minded as I am there are points of societies rules and laws I have to be aware of to maintain my freedom and happiness although it shouldn't need to be that way as I am not interested in causing harm nor changing other people, just out to live a good life and follow my heart to keep my life happy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



by rogue on Mar.08, 2011

Many people like to argue over the meaning of the word pagan. The original meaning was country dweller and it has changed to mean a collection of untraditional religions although there are those who argue that it is actually a religion on its own and others who argue that it is a collection of nontraditional religions but is more specific to the details of what qualifies the religion to be called a pagan religion. No matter what one might believe the true definition of pagan is, the fact that the argument of its meaning is so widespread and passionately argued make only one thing apparent.

Pagan is no longer any better of a descriptor than thig-a-magig. The meaning carries so many meanings that its use is obsolete to communicate any type of idea and being the point of words is to communicate and preferably to do so clearly the use of pagan has become obsolete as a means of communication as it only confuses the subject. After all even when seen in a proper sentence the definition is still left up to the interpretor. Thus it should fall to the side and more well defined words should be used to describe and converse about the religions that fall under the umbrella of pagan.

There are words that have followed the same pattern i.e. what do you thing of when you see a sentence that says "John and his friend frolliced gayly" I'd bet your first thought is that john and hes friend are homosexuals, or does it mean they played happily. Only the writer of the sentence knows and it can paint a very unclear or inaccurate picture. For this reason the word gay has been dropped from literature for the most part.

In my opinion pagan should follow suite and be dropped and be replaced by a more suitable description, word or phrases that better describe what people believe in and to describe alternitive religions.