Monday, June 6, 2011

Believe a minutewriter response

Writing Prompt: Believe

Write about a situation that made you think, "I can't believe I just did that."

That would be about half the things I have done in my life. In my younger years I did it even more, after all what sane person get bored of parachuting out of an airplane multiple times so decides to make it interesting on a dare and tosses the parachute out before jumping. Dumb, probably but it was a rush, obviously I survived. That one happened back when I first went in the army. After basic and AIT I entered into airborne training. To earn your wings and to advance you have to make so many jumps. Well all day Saturdays and Sundays Airplanes would take us up to get the practice.

One day while getting our jumps in I mentioned how boring it was getting. One of the guys said well why don't you toss your chute out and try to get it , put it on and open it before you splatter all over the ground. The Jumpmaster on that flight was one whom had become our friend and he bet me $500 that I wouldn't do it. I took the bet and did it, man what a rush.

As our batallion comander was chewing us out and taking corrective action I had finally stopped long enough to realize how stupid it was and stopped to think I can't believe I did it, but the following 30 days in the stockade was definitely worth it.

My history is littered with instances like that and it has made for an interesting life.

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