Thursday, May 26, 2011

looking inward

Self Quest

I have been looking inward recently and have realized that I am probably one of the biggest nuts on the planet.  It isn’t just my beliefs but the philosophies I tend to follow and the code of honor that I tend to follow which reflects the nuttiness of my beliefs.

The code of honor, I will attend my responsibilities no matter what is going on, however there is very little of my responsibilities that tend to be directed at material things.  There is a certain reverence to life that I have and everyone will get a basic respect from me till they prove not worthy of it which there is very little actions that would bring about that to happen.  There is no age limit on the age of people to associate with.  In reality, I only watch that which can land me in jail.  Quite a little of what I believe is left to where it wouldn’t be perceived by observers where there is quite a few things that if it wouldn’t infringe on my freedom I would do. 

prison could seem like a home...   The only difference is

 In your home the locks are on the inside where you can lock them.

In prison the locks are on the outside to lock you in

I will not start a fight but I damn well will end one.  I bare no ill will to no one and will not harm anyone in any way, but given the right motivation I can coldly take the life of a person without batting an eye.  I hold a respect and caring for nature and believe in the laws of nature and hold the opinion that 90% of the laws man made are a waste of breath.  After all there are no actions that are truly bad and it is not what you do in life that determines whether you are a good person or not, but rather the reasons for those actions.

“It is not the manner of one’s death that determines their worth

It is in the manner in which they lived that they will be judged.”

The biggest mistake people make in connection with religion and beliefs is closing their mind and believing that everyone is supposed to believe as they do.  Christians I have noticed are the ones most given grief about this however I have discovered even those who follow non-Christian faiths are just as guilty of it.  I believe that everyone is following the correct faith as long as they are being true to themselves not trying to be whom others would have them be.  I can accept a Christian, an atheist and most other faiths when the person can be open and honest.  Dishonesty is the quickest way to get shut out of my life.  Don’t confuse honesty with truthfulness I accept the fact that people are prone to exaggeration, quick choices that lead to changing of minds, and feeling there is cause for lying.  Like just about everyone else I don’t like lies and tend to avoid people who are in the habit of telling lies, but an occasional lie can be forgiven depending on the reason it was told.

“Honesty and honor are two of the greatest virtues.

I will never turn my back on someone attempting to uphold these virtues.”

In all my faith is in nature and her laws, there are few but if followed create a foundation for being a good person and for governing social interaction.  This belief is what indicates that the laws of man are nothing but a waste of breath and paper.  This does bring about what seems to be a contradiction in what I believe because I also have a strong belief in Justice.  It may not be based upon fairness as life is not fair but even nature supports a strong sense of justice.

So over all I am a bit nutty

Monday, May 23, 2011

The world is full of stupid people, and t would be nice if they would wizen up to at least not prove it to the world. I have been following a few blogs and several discussion boards and it makes things really frustrating when you run across someone who will refer to "the lifestyle". This always brings about the response of which lifestyle? They don't bring it up in a fashion where the reader is able to discern what lifestyle they are talking about. So it catches the reader for a minute that is left looking over the post or discussion trying to figure out which of the 1000s of lifestyles the person is talking about.

People should get a clue there is more than one lifestyle so if they are going to reference a lifestyle they should do it by name, not to mention be aware that some categories have more than one lifestyle within them. For example a pagan lifestyle, well this can be any one of a hundred lifestyles because of the vast umbrella pagan covers. It could mean a polyamorous lifestyle, or a vegan lifestyle, or even a vegetarian lifestyle. There is no one life style and to refer to the lifestyle effectively communicates nothing therefore the writer might as well of saved their time and not written the comment. As far as vague mentions of words they don’t add any context either so might as well be omitted.

On top of that recently have been reading some blogs and discussions where the writer decides to redefine a word to suit what they want to say. This defeats the purpose of communication, which one of the principles is using words that have accepted definitions that have been standardized so that it can be universally understood. When you try to redefine a word it is made useless because it no longer conveys the same thought to all readers.

 Anyone that cares to can relate and communicate with others if they use the appropriate words to say what they want to say instead of trying to morph different or similar words into meaning what they want it to say. This creates confusion and miscommunication.