Sunday, August 30, 2009

The OS War

Windows 7 Taskbar HighlightingImage by Navarr via Flickr
The War of the Operating Systems

As the computer users of the world set back trying to move through life and use the computers for their purposes, the software industries is pumping out new operating systems claiming theirs is better and the IT world, corporate world and private users dealing with operating systems that have been moved forward to the forefront of computer operation. How is the business that the world uses the computers for suppose to get done if the people using them have to deal with the operating system?

An operating system is supposed to operate in the background and allow the user to focus on the applications and programs they use. With the battle of the operating systems the visual and interaction with operating system has increased. With increased interaction with operating systems there is less productive interaction with the computer.

The world wants to surf the net, write on their word processor, play their game, and design their web sites or a large list of other applications available. The companies that produce the operating systems should keep in mind that the sole job of an operating system is to make a computer work. Its purpose is not to interact or visually occupy the user it is to keep the applications available and usable by the user as well as to store the data provided by the user.

The users of computers need to open their eyes to the fact and start demanding that operating systems stay in the background so that the computers can be used for the purpose of running the programs that people use for their purpose.

There are reasons to interact with the operating system and many of the reasons are initiated by the user not the computer. The improvements that operating systems are undergoing that make the OS visible to the user are digression and should be avoided. With some hope I look forward to the release of Windows 7. By the articles written by those who have written unbiased reports on the OS give indications that Microsoft has done just that, moved the OS back into the background. On October 22 Microsoft will release the OS to the general public and has some promise of being an OS that can provide a modern version of a proper OS. I would recommend that it be reviewed with open minds and judge it on the performance and not bias against the company that released it.

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